Preparing the fields for this year’s silage & hay
When asked which seasons we like the most - both Richard and I both agree that we like Spring and Autumn the most.
If you have good quality pasture, paddock or meadowland, the substrate for making hay is all around you. Grass comes into its own and is at its most nutritious in mid to late June.
From that point in the season farmers carefully scrutinize the weather forecasts to find the ideal run of clear dry weather which is essential for drying.
Weather is the single biggest factor affecting the success of silage & haymaking, it is vital to have optimal weather to ensure that your cut grass will dry. You will need around 5 days to ensure that the moisture in the grass is reduced. Cutting, spreading, turning, lining up in rows and baling up.
This year, 2023 proved better than last – we decided to cut earlier.
As they say, when making winter fodder it’s best made when the sun shines!! 🌞🌞🌞🌞